Note the new delivery location!
Pre-Orders Delivered every Thursday to Crown Park in Camas, WA
(120 NE 17th Ave, Camas, WA 98607; across from Top Burger)
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Call to pre-order your eggs!
503-680-4004 (cell)
Look for a tan pickup or red jeep.
The eggs will be placed outside my vehicle and everything wiped down after each person leaves.
Sigung John Paul Jones
503-680-4004 (cell)
Delivered to Crown Park
120 NE 17th Ave,
Camas, WA 98607
Some egg trivia about Papa John’s Organic Eggs:
I’ve lived in the mountains outside of Washougal, WA for over 35 years. My small farm has horses, dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, deer, and over 80 chickens. Also, an array of indigenous critters – cougars, bear and bobcats – to name a few.
Chicken egg production is my specialty. I feed my chickens romaine lettuce, apples, protein, organic feed and scratch every morning; organic layer feed at will. Occasional pumpkins and assorted fruit.
I will be delivering ORGANIC Farm Fresh Eggs to Crown Park in Camas every Thursday 2:00 to 3:00 pm
(Regular price is $6.00 per carton)
Look for a tan pickup or red jeep. The eggs will be placed outside my vehicle and everything wiped down after each person leaves.
The eggs are washed to keep them fresh and without any contaminants. They will keep for two to three weeks in the fridge.
There is a minimum purchase of two cartons per person.
Call 503-680-4004 to pre-order your eggs.